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Optus 10 Satellite


Testing has now commenced on Optus 10 at 164° East.  Unfortunately, test transmission is at 12567MHz, 30000, Vertical.  This frequency coincides with Optus C1 for VAST.  The result is that any digital satellite meter that is programmed for 12567MHz will pick up both satellites.

If you have signal strength and quality on your satellite decoder but the box will not scan in the channels, you have picked up the wrong satellite and need to re-align your dish. To do this, elevate your dish 2-3° and rotate in a Westerly direction for 8°.  You will now pick up signal strength and quality again and will be on the correct satellite. 

If the above applies, you can reprogram your meter to 12647MHz instead of 12567MHz. Email us for instructions. 

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