SatPlus stock a good range of satellite and terrestrial meters from the most basic to the more advanced. 

  1. We have in stock the ever popular 3240b - Australia's easiest to use caravan RV satellite meter. Pre-programmed for Foxtel and VAST and recommended for travellers. 

  2. If you're looking for a Terrestrial meter you can’t go past the 2500C. Excellent value with BER, MER, Spectrum and live TV. Ideal for electricians.

  3. For professional electricians and satellite TV installers, the Hills NM-100 HD features both satellite and terrestrial tuners.

  4. If you're looking to do a low cost, one off satellite install, perhaps the SF3235 might be the best option. 

Satellite Meters and finders for caravan and RV satellite TV anywhere in Australia

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