Satellite TV on the Sunshine Coast

Our new phone number is 07 5455 5528

For over 15 years, SatPlus have been distributing satellite TV systems all over Australia.    

Well setup in Noosaville, we distribute locally daily throughout the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Hinterland. Our national distribution could be as far north as Thursday Island and as far south as Tasmania even out to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.  Our range includes caravan internet kits, satellite dishes for houses and homes as well as portable and roof mounted caravan and motorhome satellite dish kits. We can solve any digital reception issues using our pre-made satellite kits and systems.  Whether you live in a remote, rural or local suburban region, our Altech satellite kits or SatKing satellite kits can solve these reception issues. And, it's not just satellite systems for homes that we sell, SatPlus specialise in satellite TV dishes and complete satellite systems for caravanners, travellers and anyone on the move.  We're proud to say that we've now sold tens of thousands of systems over the years to travellers and to remote TV  black spot locations all over Australia and our systems simply work.

We've grown through customer focus and commitment to quality products.  This has led us to form an alliance with Maxview UK as sole distributor of their high quality, UK manufactured crank up, roof mounted satellite systems.   

A satellite dish while camping keeps you in touch with news and information that you wouldn't be able to access through traditional reception methods.  Whether you have a satellite dish on your roof or a mobile satellite dish on the ground, you're in touch with the world.  Take your Pay TV or Foxtel decoder with you and you'll have your favourite shows and sporting events on your TV wherever you pull up to camp.

Setting up a satellite TV system need not be difficult and only SatPlus on the Sunshine Coast can offer such a range of dishes that suit your application. We have a range of mobile satellite dish systems for you to choose from.  Want to see these systems in action?  Why not drop in to see us (booking required by calling 07 5455 5528) where you can get a demo on our systems. We even have the SatPlus Tech Trailer out the front to demonstrate our Crank up and fully automatic satellite dishes. These are mounted on the roof so you can see them working.  

Our phone number is  07 5455 5528


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