We stock automatic satellite TV systems for caravans and these systems can be found here

Do you suffer from poor TV reception at home? We can solve this with our home satellite kit. Easy to install on your house roof and works all over Australia.

We also stock solar roof extraction ventilation fans for your house, shed or factory. These fans extract the hot air from your roof space and cool your house for free! 

Just arrived, our new Sanjo range of 12V caravan fans, 12v caravan fridges, caravan washing machines, caravan toilets, caravan doors, caravan windows, caravan vents and more. Click through the menu to find out more.


Introducing the Hills Antenna Digital Combo Signal Meter NM-100

Introducing the Hills Antenna Digital Combo Signal Meter NM-100

Why the NM-100 Stands Out

For satellite TV installers across the Outback or urban sprawls, the NM-100 is a game-changer. This satellite signal finder delivers pinpoint signal strength and quality readings, making dish alignment a breeze—even in Australia’s remote, signal-challenged regions. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to flawless reception, every time.

  • SatPlus Australia

VAST Update December 24th, 2024

DECEMBER 24TH 2024: The VAST outage affecting some VAST decoders since Friday 20/12/24 was fixed by the network operator this morning 24/12/24 at 4.30am AEST. There no other ongoing issues.

  • SatPlus Australia
Sanjo SJRV Caravan Washing Machine

Sanjo SJRV Caravan Washing Machine

One of the biggest challenges for caravan travellers is keeping clothes clean without relying on public laundromats or campsite facilities.
  • SatPlus Australia


North Burnett Regional Council has operated the Moonford and Bukali/Bancroft television broadcast towers since 2006 and the Eidsvold tower since 2011.
  • SatPlus Australia

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